Sunday, January 30, 2011


Well I'm back! 

I've realized that keeping up with this is much much harder than I ever thought.
It's been over 2 months since I've posted anything!  I will try to get back to being better about this because I really do love to look back at everything...but who am I kidding...  I'll be sure to put the good stuff up though!

Here are some things that Ruby is up to right now!

sleeping through the night...most of the time

laughs at our funny faces

loves playing in her music playgym

still cries everytime anyone else is eating

laughs at her own toots

teething...but no teeth yet

favorite toy is a her triangle teether

KICKS like crazy

reaches for things and has great hand-eye coordination

knows her name

loves just staying home with mom and dad

hates rice cereal


has a mommy and daddy that love her to pieces